This time there are interesting tips for photoshop-er who deal with computers every day. prepare an umbrella before it rains, if there is also the design world that is willing coffee before sleepy at the computer plus a few strains of the song accompanying the work at the computer
Let me work ontime, not piled must be resolved immediately. Photoshop-er commonly used rat (mouse), click here and there definitely eat a lot of time.Tips for photoshop-er on fast acting:
1. Replace your mouse with the Tablet (board digital pen)2. RAM is the upgrade! = P3. Photoshop shortcuts memorized
The third point is usually the problem is severe, because a lot of code-the code really make memorable.You can get shortcuts in the menu Edit - Keyboard Shortcuts or press Alt + Shift + Ctrl + K then you will see a variety of shortcuts to the commands available on the main menu
Feel more worthy of it before?
Click Use default . Hehe,. (To restore to its original state)
For submenus that do not have SC, you can download the Create own SC. How the Add Shortcut on the selected submenu. Remember SC should not be the same in different submenus or commands.
So,. Shortcut to accelerate Submitting commands with the keyboard, not slow down for sure.
You can memorize the shortcuts of Photoshop in Default if you want to see it in the shortcut Photoshop Do your the best!
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